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Your liver is an important organ that filters toxins from your blood and aids digestion. When your liver has complications and fails, you will need a liver transplant which replaces your sick liver with a donor's liver. ...
When your cardiovascular system needs repairs, you can count on us to help get your heart back on beat with cardiac surgery. Our team of surgeons use the latest techniques, including minimally invasive surgery, to treat all types of conditions. We tailor treatment plans to your individual needs to ensure the best outcomes possible. ...
We turn to neurovascular surgery for treating people who’ve experienced blood vessel conditions like an aneurysm or stroke. It involves operating on blood vessels that supply blood to the brain and spinal cord (cerebrovascular surgery) with minimally invasive approaches using catheters (endovascular surgery). ...
Obstetrics and gynecology (also known as OBGYN) is a medical specialty that looks after the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. From performing routine wellness visits to diagnosing and treating more complex conditions, we care for women and assigned females at birth (AFABs) at all stages of life. ...
Allergies can come in many forms, from asthma to food allergies to insect stings and seasonal allergies — or even a combination of conditions. The good news is that our expert team can help you not only live but thrive with your allergies. ...
Amputation is the surgical removal of a body part — foot, leg, arm, finger or toe — that’s beyond medical correction. Because amputation is a life-changing surgery, our specialists will support you with long-term care.  ...
Your genetic makeup plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. It influences your health from the moment you are born, and can also impact any health conditions you might experience as you grow older and your children. ...
Your gastrointestinal (GI) system breaks down the nutrients in food and liquid and helps your body use those nutrients for energy, growth and healing. The system covers a lot of ground—from the mouth, throat and esophagus to the stomach, intestines, rectum and anus. ...
Neuro-oncology focuses on cancers affecting the brain, skull base and spinal cord. You can trust that our team will map a treatment path to a healthier you using breakthrough neuro-oncology treatments like Gamma Knife surgery. ...
As your body’s biggest organ, your skin deserves dermatologic attention. So whether you need help managing psoriasis, caring for a child's skin condition, treating skin cancer or feeling your best with cosmetic procedures, Tufts Medicine offers extensive subspecialty dermatologic services designed with you in mind. ...
Did you know that a vascular anomaly is when there is an unusual development of blood vessels? Sometimes you can see them as birthmarks, but in other cases, doctors need to use imaging tests to spot them. ...
Genes are inherited sequences of DNA that can make you more likely to have certain health conditions, such as cancer. A genetic risk assessment gives you details about your genes, helping you and your doctor take steps to reduce risks and prevent genetic conditions from becoming a challenge. ...
When it comes to your breast health, we offer warm and compassionate care that's tailored to your unique needs — from the latest in risk assessments and screenings to innovative plastic surgery techniques and chemotherapy treatments. Tufts Medicine is your home for complete breast health.  ...
Arrhythmia is a condition where the heart isn’t beating properly — either too fast, too slow, or irregularly. Electrophysiology studies the electrical properties and activities of your heart, allowing us to diagnose and treat your arrhythmia.  ...
Myeloma (also known as multiple myeloma) and amyloid light-chain (AL) amyloidosis are serious conditions caused by abnormal antibody-producing plasma cells found in the bone marrow where all blood cells are made. While myeloma (a blood cancer) and AL amyloidosis (a blood disease) can develop independently of one another, they’re sometimes diagnosed together. ...
Lung cancer is a type of cancer where abnormal cells in the lungs grow out of control. These cells form a tumor that can spread to other parts of the body. ...
Radiation oncology is a medical specialty that uses high-energy radiation to treat cancer and other conditions. Radiation oncology is an essential part of cancer care along with surgery and medications. ...
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in your neck that releases hormones to regulate many of your body’s functions, like your metabolism. So, when your thyroid isn’t working properly, it can lead to a domino effect of conditions like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or even forms of thyroid cancer. ...
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