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Choosing a Pediatrician for Your Child

February 26, 2020

Learn what to look for in a pediatrician from the pediatricians at Tufts Medical Center.

Dr. Laura Ardvinson-Guzman smiling at a patient.

Whether you are pregnant and searching for a pediatrician or you have just moved and need a new pediatrician, Tufts Medical Center has the right physician to address your specific needs. Having a PCP for your child to see them when they are under the weather is important. Having a pediatrician that you see for routine visits to keep them well and to be proactive about their healthcare is also important.

You and your child will visit their pediatrician for many reasons including vaccinations, physical exams when they participate in sports and to make sure they are reaching all of their milestones at the right time. It’s important that you choose the right doctor for your child. Here are some questions to consider:

  • Do you prefer a male or female physician?
  • Do you want to see someone in Boston near pediatric specialists or a doctor closer to your home?
  • Are clinic hours convenient for your and your child’s schedule?
  • Can doctors see your child promptly when your child is not feeling well? Even on the weekends?
  • Can you easily help me find a specialist if my child needs one?

Tufts Medical Center has a number of doctors who are now accepting new patients. If your child is an infant, you may want to consider choosing someone who will care for them through their teenage years. And, for your convenience, same-day sick visits and Saturday sick visits are available, should your little one need care urgently, but not emergently.

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