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Get Smart About Heat Illness

July 16, 2024

Tufts Medical Center’s Injury Prevention Coordinator shares what you need to know to about common heat illnesses and how to stay safe in extreme heat.

The heat waves keep coming and staying cool isn’t just a matter of comfort—high temperatures can quickly lead to life-threatening emergencies. Tufts Medical Center’s Injury Prevention Coordinator Debbie Toomey, RN, CIPP, shares what you need to look out for as temperatures continue to rise.

While young children, older adults, pregnant people and those with chronic medical conditions are most vulnerable to heat related illness, everyone should avoid spending prolonged time outside in extreme heat, know the signs of heat illness and be prepared to take action.

Heat illness infographic

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Family laughing in a pumpkin patch
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Tufts Medicine’s Shira Doron, MD, Chief Infection Control Officer, Hospital Epidemiologist and Antimicrobial Steward, Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine, on preventing, identifying and treating common seasonal respiratory illnesses.
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Tufts Medical Center’s Chief of Pediatric Neurology, Arnold J. Sansevere, MD is here to help us get smart about what is often thought of as an “invisible” injury.

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