Read more important information on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

What is a SMART Health Card
SMART Health Cards act as a digital vaccination card that contains clinical information including your COVID-19 vaccination status, past COVID test results, and other health records. This will allow Massachusetts residents who have received the COVID vaccine the ability to create a digital vax card with a QR code that verifies their vaccination history. SMART Health Cards can be accessed using mobile devices allowing users to easily access a copy of their vaccination card on the go.
How to Get a SMART Health Card
To access your digital COVID-19 vaccination card, visit My Vax Records ( and follow a few easy steps. You will be asked to enter your name, date of birth and an email or cell phone number. When filling out the online request form, please be sure to try using both your email and cell phone number to retrieve your digital vaccine record. It can take up to 24 hours to receive confirmation that your records were located in the Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS).
Once you receive a confirmation, you must click on the link within 24 hours to retrieve your immunization records. Then you can print it out or download a screenshot to your phone which will provide easy access whenever you need proof of vaccination. The QR Code can also be uploaded to the Health app on Apple and Android phones, or an app created by the non-profit that designed the SMART Card system: The Commons Project (
Lowell General Hospital is working with the state to provide complete vaccination records for everyone we vaccinated. If you were vaccinated at Lowell General Hospital or at our Mass Vaccine Program on Pawtucket Boulevard and your Massachusetts vaccination records are not available on the state’s website at this time, please try submitting another request through the state’s website in about a week.
Please note: The My Vaccine Records portal will only provide you with a digital record of tests or vaccines that have been reported to MIIS, which only includes those immunizations your healthcare providers reported to Massachusetts. If you need a record of vaccines you received from the federal government or obtained in another state, you'll need to contact whoever administered those vaccines.