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Neurology Residency Program

Apply for the neurology residency program at Tufts Medicine Tufts Medical Center in Boston and advance your career in neurology by learning from top doctors and surgeons.

Training superior clinical neurologists

The mission of the Tufts Medical Center (Tufts MC) Neurology Residency Program is to train superior clinical neurologists. We aim to train individuals who will succeed in their professional lives and any endeavor they choose, whether it's patient care, research or teaching. 

We provide training within a collegial atmosphere of mutual respect, maintaining a constant focus on the well-being of our patients. Our 40 faculty members from our 2 institutions, Tufts MC and Beth Israel Lahey Health, have diverse sub-specialty interests and skills and provide in-depth, personal training with a unified philosophy regarding the value of clinical medicine. 

We focus on developing neurology clinical skills throughout all 3 years of neurology residency with a balance of bedside teaching and formal lectures, nurturing graduated autonomy throughout your training.

The location of our institutions and the reputation of our staff give residents exposure to the full spectrum of neurologic problems. Our residents gain extensive experience in community neurology and outpatient clinical settings while continuing to receive ample exposure to our traditional strengths of tertiary care and neurologic intensive care.

A message from our program director

Written by Joshua Kornbluth, MD

Thank you for your interest in Tufts Medical Center Neurology Residency and Fellowship Training Programs. This is a wonderful time to be going into our field and there are vast opportunities available for residents completing our program. Whether one chooses an academic, community or laboratory investigative career, we strive during your 3 brief years of neurology residency training to provide the clinical knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be a world-class neurologist prepared for the career of your choice.

All future success follows from a firm grounding in clinical work and the ability to think like a neurologist. Our neurology residency and fellowship programs stand out because of highly committed bedside teaching and a regular schedule of formal rounds that allow for the transmission of experiential knowledge that cannot be acquired from published sources. We pride ourselves on our professional and mature residents and continue to feel close and loyal to them well beyond their years with us in Boston. It is evident when we encounter a graduate of the program at a national meeting that we have met our goal of turning out master clinicians.

We, and the over 40 full-time academic faculty of Tufts MC Neurology, have built the program around training, and, as our residents and graduates can attest, they are always genuinely dedicated to the house staff and their professional education. We look forward to hearing about your interest in neurology as a career and hope that Tufts MC will be the program that best suits your views and goals.


Joshua Kornbluth

Joshua Kornbluth, MD
Medical Director, Neurosciences Critical Care Unit
Program Director, Neurology Residency and Neurocritical Care Fellowship
Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

Contact info
Olivia Kim, MPH
Residency & Fellowship Education Coordinator, Neurology

How to apply

We participate in ERAS/NRMP, and applications must be submitted through these programs. Application materials should be submitted no later than October 15th, 2 years prior to the beginning of the PGY-2 Neurology training year. For example, those wishing to start a neurology residency in July 2023 would submit their application before October 15, 2021. Successful completion of a preliminary year of internal medicine is required prior to beginning neurology residency. We offer our candidates the option of matching into our guaranteed preliminary medicine positions (see below). The following information must be submitted to ERAS by the deadline in order for your application to be considered complete:

  • ERAS application form
  • Curriculum vitae, including any honors, publications and presentations
  • Medical School Performance Evaluation (MSPE) or Dean’s letter
  • Official medical school transcript
  • USMLE scores (Step I required, Step II and III if available). COMLEX scores are accepted.
  • A minimum of 3 letters of recommendation. It is recommended that the letters be written by someone who is very familiar with your clinical work and who is accustomed to writing letters of recommendation (clerkship director, program director, director of service or senior clinician)
  • Personal statement
  • Photograph
  • ECFMG certificate (for foreign medical grads)

To initiate your application and obtain information regarding dates and other key details, visit:

Interviews will be held between the months of October and January

We do offer guaranteed preliminary internal medicine (PGY-1) positions for applicants who match with the Tufts Adult Neurology Residency Program. There are 6 medicine internship positions available at Beth Israel Lahey Hospital. If you are interested in one of these positions, you must rank the program in the supplemental match list, but you will not be required to interview separately. Alternatively, you can choose to apply to and match with any other PGY-1 preliminary medicine position in the U.S.

International medical graduates

We accept foreign graduates who are highly qualified and have competitive USMLE scores. See the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section for more information regarding requirements for IMGs.

For more information, visit:

Why choose Tufts MC

Residents complete their training at Tufts MC, a world-class academic medical center located in Boston and the principal teaching hospital for Tufts University School of Medicine. Tufts MC sponsors 19 specialty ACGME-accredited clinical training programs.

Tufts MC is a 415-bed robust organization, providing everything from routine medical care to treating the most complex diseases affecting adults and children. 

Tufts MC provides heart, kidney and bone marrow transplants, is a Level I Trauma Center, provides comprehensive neurological and neurosurgical care and offers cutting-edge cancer treatments. The Neurology Department houses a comprehensive stroke program and a Level 4 Epilepsy Center. Tufts MC is also home to The Boston Gamma Knife Center, the first and only Gamma Knife Center in Massachusetts and Northern New England.


Our neurology team is always looking for ways to improve medicine. Right now, our researchers are studying neuromuscular diseases, stroke and fatigue in patients with high-grade glioma. 

Program structure

Our program is ACGME-accredited and offers 7 positions through the NRMP (“The Match”). We may offer 1-2 of those positions for highly qualified candidates with government sponsorship, typically through the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM).

PGY-1 Preliminary medicine year

Neurology residency program offers the option for our residents to complete their preliminary medicine year with us at Beth Israel Lahey Health. These positions do not require a separate interview, though you must apply for the preliminary programs in the match, and it must be ranked on the supplemental drop-down list on NRMP (#3130140P1 Med-Prelim/Neurology - Tufts Lahey Clinic-MA). View the preliminary medicine training programs at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center.

PGY-2 Year: First year neurology residency

The goal of the PGY-2 year is to develop strong clinical skills that will be the support for further learning and refining of neurological skills. Residents will have exposure to a broad spectrum of neurological diseases with both common and uncommon presentations. Our program offers a robust curriculum in which our residents are exposed early to inpatient and acute care neurology to build a solid foundation in clinical examination, pattern recognition, diagnosis and management. Our residents rotate through 2 sites during the PGY-2 year: Tufts MC and Beth Israel Lahey Health.

At Tufts MC, residents spend time on the neurology inpatient service, night float and outpatient rotations. The exposure to both typical and atypical presentations of neurologic conditions is made even more interesting by weekly live patient conferences led by Dr. Thomas Sabin at Tufts MC and by Dr. Gross at Lahey Hospital. Residents also rotate through the Neely Neuroscience Critical Care Unit where they are exposed to complex and critically ill neurological and neurosurgical patients. At Beth Israel Lahey Health, residents rotate through the inpatient, consult and night float rotations. The ward and consult services consist of a senior and junior resident that work together.

During PGY-2 year, residents will have 9 weeks of continuity clinic, with a 5+1 system and additional 4-5 weeks of elective rotation. They will have the opportunity to rotate in an outpatient clinic and gain exposure to different neurology subspecialties.

Time spent on various rotations varies slightly from year to year, depending on the total number of residents. A typical schedule includes the following:

PGY2 Structure Graph
PGY-3 Year

During the PGY-3 year, residents will expand their knowledge in neurology with increasing time spent in outpatient and elective rotations and, at the same time, will apply the knowledge learned during their first year by transitioning into a leading role in the consult service.

This year includes the main rotation in neurophysiology with 4 weeks of dedicated EEG rotation and 4 weeks of Neuromuscular Medicine/EMG rotation. In addition the residents will have 8 weeks of elective rotation where they will be able to further broaden their knowledge in neurology and, at the same time, explore possible future career and fellowship plans. They will have the opportunity to lead the consult team at Lahey and supervise not only junior residents but also other residents that rotate on our services, such as anesthesia and internal medicine residents. At the end of the year, the PGY-3 residents will step up to more senior roles and will serve as senior residents on the ward services at Tufts MC and Beth Israel Lahey Health.

They will continue to have 8-9 weeks of continuity clinic with a 5+1 system as well as 4 weeks of vacation. During this year, the residents with rotate in the Pediatric Neurology Department with both outpatient and inpatient responsibilities.

PGY3 Structure Graph
PGY-4 Year

The PGY-4 year allows residents to broaden their clinical experience with elective rotations and consolidate and own their clinical skills while overseeing the ward services at Tufts MC and Beth Israel Lahey Health. This year prepares our residents to perform as independent neurologists with strong leadership skills. The senior resident will be responsible for the inpatient service under the supervision and support of the attending physician. In addition, they will complete the required rotation in pediatric neurology and psychiatry. 

This is in addition to 8-9 weeks of continuity clinic and 4 weeks of vacation. There is an additional 8-9 weeks dedicated to elective time to refine their clinical skills and complete research projects.

PGY4 Structure Graph

Continuity Clinic 

Our program has moved from the half-day per week continuity clinic model to ambulatory weeks with a 5+1 schedule. Continuity clinic is scheduled on 3 days, constituting 5 continuity clinic sessions (3 morning and 2 afternoon sessions/week). On the 2 other days, the residents are scheduled for sub-specialty neurology clinics. This model is being adopted by many programs for its proven effect in improving residents’ education. We have adopted the use of Telehealth visits for select patients at both Tufts MC and BI-Lahey Health.  


Elective rotations are available at our institutions in all major neurologic subspecialties and related medical, surgical and radiologic fields. In addition, elective time can be spent on clinical or basic research projects. 

Call Schedule 

Our program implements a night float system, which promotes good sleep hygiene, decreases burnout and complies with work hours under ACGME rules. Night coverage takes place at Tufts MC and at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center.

A 24-hour traditional call is still in place on Friday, covered almost exclusively by the NCCU resident at Tufts MC, to maximize continuity of care. Similarly, weekend shifts from 7 am–7 pm are typically covered by the junior ward residents, with each resident covering 2 weekends and having 2 free weekends over 4 weeks.

Ward senior resident at Tufts MC takes home calls and rounds on the weekends with the junior resident and attending for 2 weekends of each 4-week period. 


As part of our dedication to clinical neurology education, emphasis is placed on the teaching role of the resident. The ward and consult services typically have 2–4 medical students who derive the bulk of their clinical neurology knowledge from teaching provided by our residents. More formal teaching opportunities are also available, including the instruction of small groups of second-year medical students during their neuroscience course each fall. 

Academic Half Day 

Emerging from our perception of residents’ education, we have instituted an Academic Half Day every Friday afternoon from 1-5 pm. This is a protected educational time for all the residents, during which all our residents will meet on one of our 2 sites (Tufts MC or Lahey Clinic & Hospital). Conferences are based on a yearlong curriculum, composed 4 hours of weekly interactive educational experience, shared between faculty lectures, resident-run teaching sessions, board review questions, case-based education with evidence-based practice topics and clinical simulation sessions.

In addition to the Friday Academic Half Day, we have a resident-oriented daily lecture scheduled on both sites, which includes:   

  • Morning reports by the night float resident 2 times per week
  • Neuroscience ground rounds once weekly
  • Weekly neurophysiology lectures
  • Clinical pathology case conferences
  • Professor rounds (the floor team selects an interesting case to present to Dr. Sabin or Dr. Gross and enjoys the quality time of diagnostic approach education)
  • Neuroradiology conferences
  • Neuro-Oncology conferences

Journal Club

In addition to our weekly didactics, we instituted a monthly gathering where 1 of our faculty members will host a journal club at his/her place. This has shown to be a great experience for learning and socializing outside the work environment with great quality topics discussed, amazing food provided by the faculty and invaluable time spent together to relax. Unfortunately, this has been on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Life as a resident

What’s it like to live in Boston? It’s an epicenter for health, science and medical research – where visions are born and discoveries are made. With universities on every corner, intellectuals, scientists and artists mingle to create an exceptional culture.

It’s also a fun city that takes its sports teams seriously, but not much else. In the spring and summer, you can enjoy festivals, outdoor concerts and cultural gatherings. Plus, many neighborhoods are booming with art, restaurants and music. Need to get away? Boston is a short trip from beautiful beaches, mountains and lakes.

It’s the perfect mix of urban culture, a small town feel and outdoor beauty.

Salary & benefits

Graduate Medical Education (GME) stipend levels:

PGY2 $78,494.00
PGY3 $81,700.00
PGY4 $85,635.00

For a complete benefits summary, please visit the GME section of our website



David E. Thaler, MD, PhD, FAHA
Chairman, Department of Neurology
Associate Professor of Neurology
Director, the Comprehensive Stroke Center
Phone: 617.636.5854

Joshua Kornbluth, MD
Medical Director, Neurosciences Critical Care Unit
Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
Phone: 617.636.4948

Emiliya Melkumova, MD
Director of  Stroke Consult Services
 Associate Director of Neurology Residency
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Tufts University School of Medicine
Phone: 617.636.4948

Lahey Clinic and hospital leadership

Jayashri Srinivasan, MD, PhD, FACP
Chair, Department of Neurology
Associate Professor of Neurology, Tufts University School of Medicine
Lahey Clinic & Medical Center
41 Mall Rd. – Dept. of Neurology
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781.744.8630

Maria Mazzola, MD
Lahey Clinic & Medical Center
Associate Professor of Neurology, Tufts University School of Medicine
Associate Program Director
41 Mall Rd. – Dept. of Neurology
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781.744.8630

Joseph D. Burns, MD
Lahey Clinic & Medical Center
Associated Program Director
Associate Professor of Neurology, Tufts University School of Medicine
41 Mall Rd. – Dept. of Neurology
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781.744.1270

Current Residents

Naman Bareja

Naman Bareja, MD
Medical School: Maulana Azad Medical College
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Rafail A Chionatos

Rafail A. Chionatos, MD
Medical School: University of Crete Faculty of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Arsalan Hashemiaghdam

Arsalan Hashemiaghdam, MD
Medical School: Tehran School of Medical Sciences
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Nazanin Sheibani

Nazanin Sheibani, MD
Medical School: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Internship: Internship: Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine


Nikita Srinivasan

Nikita Srinivasan, MD
Medical School: Rural Medical College of Pravara Medical Trust
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Camelia Valhuerdi Porto

Camelia Valhuerdi Porto, MD
Medical School: Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Matanzas 'Juan Guiteras Gener'
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Wenzheng Yu

Wenzheng Yu, MD
Medical School: Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Internship: St Elizabeth's Medical Center


Maryam Bahadori, MD

Maryam Bahadori, MD
Medical School: Tehran School of Medical Sciences
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Elliott Delgado, MD

Elliott Delgado, MD
Medical School: St. George's University School of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Alana Fretes Burgos, MD

Alana Fretes Burgos, MD
Medical School: Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Asunción
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Amr Jijakli, MD

Amr Jijakli, MD
Medical School: Alfaisal University College of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Sharanya Ramakrishnan, MD

Sharanya Ramakrishnan, MD
Medical School: Grant Medical College
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Diamler Vadlamuri, MD

Diamler Vadlamuri, MD
Medical School: University of Queensland School of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic



Lincey Wilson, MD

Lincey Wilson, MD

Aarish Dhillon, MD

Aarish Dhillon, MD




Efe Fakir, MD

Efe Fakir, MD




Fenghui Ye, MD

Fenghui Ye, MD




Jayant Yadav, MD

Jayant Yadav, MD




Juan Pablo Espinosa, MD

Juan Pable Espinosa, MD




Maheen Nisar, MD

Maheen Nisar, MD




Mohammad Hamza Khalil, MD

Mohammad Hamza Khalil, MD



Yasaman Adibnia, MD
Medical School: Istanbul Bilim Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Internship: Lahey Clinic

Firas Bounni, MD
Medical School: University of Damascus Faculty of Medicine
Internship: St. Mary Medical Center Program

Marc Daou, MD
Medical School: Université Saint-Joseph Faculté de Médecine
Internship: Lahey Clinic

Alibay Jafarli, MD
Medical School: Azerbaijan Medical University
Internship: Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center Program

Ivanna Joseph, MD
Medical School: Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Internship: Lahey Clinic

Aya Shnawa, MD
Medical School: Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic

Ehsan Tadayon, MD
Medical School: Tehran University of Medical Sciences School of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic


Omniyah Alqassab, MD
Medical School: Arabian Gulf University College of Medicine and Medical Sciences 
Internship: University of Maryland
Residency: Tufts Medical Center Neurology
Fellowship: Intraoperative Neuromonitoring at Massachusetts General Hospital

Valeria Ariza Hutchinson, MD
Medical School: Universidad del Norte Programa de Medicina
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center Neurology
Fellowship: Neurocritical Care at Mayo Clinic

Maria Gabriela Bartkus, MD
Medical School: Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad deCiencias Médicas
Internship: Carney Hospital
Residency: Tufts Medical Center Neurology 
Fellowship: Clinical Neurophysiology and EMG at Lahey Clinic

Manizhe Eslami-Amirabadi, MD
Medical School: Shaheed Sadooghi University of Medical Sciences & Health Services
Internship: St. Agnes Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center Neurology 
Fellowship: Cognitive Neurology at University of California San Francisco

Takahisa Mikami, MD
Medical School: Tokyo Medical and Dental University Faculty of Medicine
Internship: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Residency: Tufts Medical Center Neurology
Fellowship: Multiple Sclerosis & Neuroimmunology Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital


Dylan Jones, MD
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Neurocritical Care Fellowship at Emory University School of Medicine

Fatemeh Khadjevand, MD
Medical School: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Comprehensive Epilepsy Fellowship at Stanford Medicine

Martineau Louine, MD
Medical School: Université d'Etat d'Haïti Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Neuroimmunology and Neuroinfectious Disease Fellowship at University of California San Francisco

Lisa Scott, DO
Medical School: Western University of Health Sciences/College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
Internship: St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Vascular Neurology at University of Southern California

Yakov Shaulov, MD
Medical School: St. George’s University School of Medicine
Internship: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Movement Disorder Fellowship at Northwell Health

Peter Tatum, DO
Medical School: Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship: Rowan Inspira Health Network
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship at Dartmouth Health

Nefize Turan, MD
Medical School: Marmara Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi
Internship: St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Neurocritical Care Fellowship at Johns Hopkins


Yara Alharbi, MD
Medical School: Umm Al-Qura University Faculty of Medicine
Internship: Roger Williams Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Epilepsy at University of Illinois Chicago

Osamah Alnasser, MD
Medical School: King Saud University, Riyadh College of Medicine
Internship: St. John Hospital and Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Neuromuscular at Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis

Lincoln Darla, MD
Medical School: St. John's Medical College
Internship: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Clinical Neurophysiology at Brown University

Leila Ghaffari, DO
Medical School: Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship: St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Neurophysiology at Virginia Commonwealth University

Maria Antonietta Mazzola, MD
Medical School: Università degli Studi di Palermo Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
What's Next? Fellowship: MS/Neuroimmunology at UMass Medical Center

Katie Monigan, DO
Medical School: University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Epilepsy/Neurophysiology at Massachusetts General Hospital

Ashley Weng, MD
Medical School: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Clinical Neurophysiology at New York Presbyterian/Cornell


Anas Alamri, MD
Medical School: King Saud University, Riyadh College of Medicine
Internship: University of Maryland
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Epilepsy at Stanford Healthcare, Palo Alto, CA

Mohammed Al Dulaimi, MD
Medical School: University of Baghdad College of Medicine
Internship: St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Vascular Neurology at Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA

Mohamed Ridha, MD
Medical School: Northeast Ohio Medical University
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Vascular Neurology at University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Jose Rodrigues-Moreno, MD
Medical School: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí Facultad de Medicina
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Neuromuscular Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Avinash Sagi, MD
Medical School: Kakatiya Medical College
Internship: Berkshire Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Sonali Sharma, MD
Medical School: USF Health Morsani College of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology at University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL 


Kyung Jung “Paula” Lee, MD
Medical School: Korea University College of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Northwestern University, Chicago (Electroencephalogram)

Naina Limbekar,MD, MPH
Medical School: Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University
Internship: St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Brigham & Women’s Hospital (Sleep Medicine)

Farid Radmanesh, MD, MPH
Medical School:Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital (Neurocritical Care)

Nilufer Yalcin, MD
Medical School: Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency:Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Rush University, Chicago (Neurocritical Care)


Adeeb Al-Rizaiza, MD
Medical School: University of Dammam College of Medicine
Internship: University of Toledo
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: University of California, San Diego (Clinical Neurophysiology)

Alexandra Filippakis, DO
Medical School: University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship: St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Brigham and Women's Hospital (Multiple Sclerosis)

Mam Ibraheem, MD, MPH
Medical School: University of Baghdad, College of Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Assistant Professor: University of Kentucky (General Neurology)

Jayesh Patel, DO
Medical School: Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Internship: Lahey Clinic
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: University of Washington (Neurocritical Care)

Jeffrey Steinberg, MD
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
Internship:St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Private Practice: PrimaCARE of Fall River (General Neurology)

Lee Sullivan, MD, MPH
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
Internship:St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Residency: Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Sleep Medicine)


Abrar Al-Faraj, MD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Epilepsy Fellowship

Ali Daneshmand, MD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Neurocritical Care Fellowship

Behzad Elahi, MD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Neuromuscular Care Fellowship

Min Kang, MD
University of California, San Francisco
Neuromuscular Fellowship

Samhitha Rai, MD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Epilepsy Fellowship


Ozaire Awais, MD
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Headache Fellowship

Vajjayantee Belle, MD
Olean General Hospital, NY
Private Practice

P. Monroe Butler, MD
Behavioral Neurology
University of California, San Francisco

Emile Moukheiber, MD
Movement Disorders
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Andrew Natonson, MD
Cognitive Neurology
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR


Ziad Alhumayyd, MD
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Neuromuscular Fellowship

Matthew Dooley, MD
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Neurorehabilitation Fellowship

Yasir Jassam, MD, PhD
NINDS/NIH, Baltimore, MD
Neuroimmunology Fellowship

Christopher Parres, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship

Training at Tufts Medical Center

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How do I apply?

We use ERAS for all of our residency applications. 

What is the application deadline?

All applications must be received no later than October 15th.

When do you interview?

We do all of our interviews starting October through January, with a break for holidays.

How many slots do you offer?

We offer up to 6–7 positions per year.

Are you a Categorical (PGY1 slots available) or Advanced (starts in PGY2) program?

We have 6 integrated internship slots available at Beth Israel Lahey Hospital (where our residents spend 50% of their time during their neurology training) per year which are guaranteed to applicants who successfully match into Tufts MC Neurology. However, we are an advanced program, internship spots are NOT available at Tufts MC.

How do the integrated tracks in NRMP work?

We understand it can be challenging to find preliminary slots, especially in the Boston area. We have worked out an agreement with our affiliate institution, Beth Israel Lahey Hospital, that allows an NRMP Integrated track. What this means is that if you decide to rank Tufts MC Neurology program, you will also need to rank Beth Israel Lahey Hospital internal medicine neurology preliminary year separately to obtain a preliminary position. Ranking algorithm works for these integrated tracks is a little different than if you ranked them separately. If chosen, through ranking, to match at Tufts MC Neurology, the NRMP would then go back and choose your preliminary position based on how you ranked them and how they ranked you. Additionally, our rank lists are shared with these institutions, and they will rank you in line with our opinions and based on their program policies.

Do you consider international medical graduates?

Absolutely! There are some Caribbean schools that are difficult to get licenses in Massachusetts. Contact our education manager if you are not sure that your school is one of these.

What percentage of your residents are FMG?

On average our residents who are IMG are anywhere from 40-60%.

What are the USMLE requirements?

In order to be licensed in the state of Massachusetts, you must have passed your USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CS, and Step 2 CK before obtaining a license. We look at these scores as well during the recruitment season but understand if you are in the middle of your testing. We will require these completed and passed before ranking, but it will not hold you up for being offered an interview. You may be asked the status during application reviews. You will need to have your Step 3 passed before your PGY2 year, per the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine policies.

Do you have a requirement for time period since graduation?

Our program does not have a requirement for this. However, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine will ask for documentation explanation at the time of licensing and this may slow down your licensing.

For IMG, is U.S. clinical experience required?

It is not required for application. However, in order to feel more comfortable in the U.S. Medical System, it is highly suggested that you have done some clinical experience. You will get a full year of clinical experience in your PGY1 year before you come to us. But some preliminary programs are tougher on this requirement so be sure to check with them.

Do you sponsor visa(s)? If so, what visa(s) do you sponsor?

We do sponsor visas, but only J-1. Unfortunately, we do not sponsor H1-B.

What are your requirements for letters of recommendation?

We require 3 letters of recommendation, one of which is from the chairman that you did your neurology rotation with. All letters of recommendation must be uploaded through ERAS. Please do not email these to us directly. They may be misplaced and, therefore, not factored.

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