Madris B, Shaughnessy J, Talutis S, Salehi, P, Kumar S. Endovascular Superior Mesenteric Artery Angioplasty Requiring Open Surgical Access in Preparation for EVAR. NYSVS Annual Meeting. April 2024, New York, NY
Tedesco A, Salehi P, O’Donnell. A Comparison of the Revised SVS/AVF/ASVL and ESVS Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) in the Management of Varicose Veins (VVs). American Venous Forum Annual Meeting. March 2024, Tampa, FL
Pulakat L, Chen HH, Garlick J, Shenk S, Gavini M, Mehm A, Tang Y, Salehi P. Localized Deep Tissue Drug Delivery of Nucleic Acids by Droplette Micromist Technology Device (DMTD) - A Paradigm Shift in Treating Chronic Pressure Ulcers. 2023 MHSRS (Military Health System Research Symposium).
Tedesco A, Bloom J, Lee J, Moon T, Karamchandani M, Chwals W, Chatterjee A, Salehi P. The utility of cost transparency calculators for vascular surgery patients. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, Boston, MA, Oct 2023.
5. Talutis SD, Ulloa JG, Hame S, Gelabert HA. Gender Disparities of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in the PAC-12 Athletic Conderence. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society Annual Meeting. Sun Valley, ID, January 19, 2024.
Kobzeva-Herzog A, Siracuse JJ, Cassidy M, Wilson S, Macht R, Talutis S, Rosenkranz P, McAneny D. Sustained Success of a Postoperative Venous Thromboembolism Prevention Protocol Over One Decade. New England Surgical Society Annual Meeting. Newport, RI. September 29, 2023.
Chin AL, Talutis SD, Farley S, Woo K, Lawrence PF, Jimenez JC. Factors Associated with Ablation Related Thrombus Extension (ARTE) following GSV Closure with Endovenous Microfoam Ablation (MFA). Western Vascular Surgery Society Annual Meeting, Kauai, HI, September 12, 2023.
Talutis SD, DiPardo B, Ulloa JG, Gelabert H. Recovery of Healthcare Workers after Work-Related Injury Leading to Surgery for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Western Vascular Surgery Society Annual Meeting, Kauai, HI, September 9, 2023.
Majumdar M. A Machine-Learned Clinical and Viscoelastic Model to Predict Graft & Stent Thrombosis following Lower Extremity Revascularization. New England Society for Vascular Surgery Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.
Hall RP, Majumdar M, Feldman ZM, Goudot G, Bellomo T, Jessula S, Cassidy R, Kirshkaln A, Nuzzolo K, Dua A. The Use of Thromboelastography with Platelet Mapping to Identify Prothrombotic
Coagulation Profiles in Patients with Active Lung Cancer Undergoing Lower Extremity Revascularization. American Association for Thoracic Surgery 103rd Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 2023.
Shaughnessy J, Bloch R, Cambria R, Shean K, Prushik S, Conrad M. Gastroduodenal Artery Aneurysm in a Patient with Celiac Artery Atresia. VESS Annual Meeting, Sun Valley, ID. January 19, 2024.
Selim O; Dueck AD; Walsh CM; Brydges R; Kulasegaram K; Okrainec A. The Refinement of the Diabetic Wound Assessment Learning Tool [DiWALT]: A Novel Tool to Assess Competence in Diabetic Wound Assessment and Management. Poster Presentation at the Vascular Annual Meeting. Society for Vascualr Surgery; 2023; National Harbor, MD.
Kumar S., Madris B. Acute Upper Extremity Limb Ischemia in a Young Female Patient with Arterial Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. 36th Annual Vascular Fellows and Residents Abstract Presentations, May 2024
Frank T Padberg Jr, Areck Ucuzian, Hasan Dosluoglu, Glenn Jacobowitz, and Thomas F O’Donnell Jr. Longitudinal Assessment of Quality of life, and Clinical Outcomes with At Home Advanced Pneumatic Compression Treatment of Lower Extremity Lymphedema. World Congress & AVLS 37th Annual Congress, September 17 – 21 Miami
O’Donnell TF. Current lymphedema treatment in the United States. World Congress & AVLS 37th Annual Congress, September 17 – 21 Miami
O’Donnell TF. Phlebolymphedema: What is it and how does it impact the treatment of venous disease? Optimal Management in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery April 2024. Harvard Medical School
O’Donnell TF. PS128 Updates and Management of Venous Wounds. Diagnosis of Venous Leg Ulcers. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress October 2023 Boston
Thomas F. O'Donnell, Jr., MD- SESSION 73: LIPEDEMA, LYMPHEDEMA, PHLEBOLYMPHEDEMA, AND ULCERS. VEITH symposium-Annual Symposium on Vascular and Endovascular Issues. New York New York. November 2023
Alnahhal KI, Narayanan MK, Parikh S, Lingutla R, Iafrati M, Suarez L, Zhan Y, Salehi P. Outcomes of Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair in Octogenarians. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2022 56; 2: 158-165.
Alnahhal KI, Penukonda S, Lingutla R, Irshad A, Allison GM, Salehi P. The effects of major depression disorder on neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome surgery outcomes. Vascular 2021 Dec 27:17085381211062747.
Narayanan M, Alnahhal KI, Lingutla R, Irshad A, Iafrati M, Suarez L, Kumar S, Salehi P. Outcomes of Infrainguinal Bypass in Patients with Cannabis versus Opioid Use Disorder Outcomes of IIB in Patients with CUD versus OUD. Ann Vasc Surg 2021 Dec 10:S0890-5096(21)00922-5.
Ortoleva JP, Cordes CL, Salehi P, Shapeton AD. Predictive Scoring: Should It Tell Us the Odds? J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2021; 35 (12): 3708-3710.
Alnahhal KI, Urhiafe V, Narayanan M, Irshad A, Salehi P. Prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in patients with lung cancer. J Vasc Surg. 2022 May;75(5):1577-1582.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2021.09.037. Epub 2021 Oct 8. PMID: 34634421. (JVS Editors’ choice)
Tian T, Zaepfel C, Bloom J, Alnahhal K, Chatterjee A, Allison G, Iafrati M, Salehi P. Financial Conflicts of Interest in Studies Related to the Use of Placental Membrane Allografts. Advances in Wound Care 2021 Jul 30. doi: 10.1089/wound.2021.0075.
Bloom JA, Tian T, Homsy C, Singhal D, Salehi P, Chatterjee A. A Cost-Utility Analysis of the Use of Closed-Incision Negative Pressure System in Vascular Surgery Groin Incisions. Am Surg. 2022 Apr 7:31348221087395. doi: 10.1177/00031348221087395. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35392664.
Tian T, Shah A, Darling J, Zaepfel C, Chatterjee A, Iafrati M, Salehi P. Assessment of self-reported financial conflicts of interest in vascular surgery studies. J Vasc Surg 2021; 74 (6): 2047-2053.
Hanley S, Melikian R, Mackey WC, Salehi P, Iafrati M, Suarez L. Distal Perfusion Cannulae Reduce ECMO-Related Limb Ischemia. Int Angiol 2021; 40 (1): 77-82
Ziapour B, Zaepfel C, Iafrati M, Suarez L, Salehi P. A Systematic Review of the Quality of Cardiovascular Surgery Studies Which Extracted Data from MAUDE Database. J Vasc Surg 2021; 74 (5): 1708-1720.
Labropoulos N, Weycker D, Gasparis A, O’Donnell TF. Morbid Obesity and Lymphedema. J Vasc Surg Venous & Lym Dis: 2022; 10:55.
Lurie F, Malgor RD, Carman T, Dean SM, Iafrati MD, Khilnani NM, O’Donnell TF, et al. The American Venous forum, American Vein and Lymphatic Society and the Society for Vascular Medicine expert opinion consensus on lymphedema diagnosis and treatment. Phlebology. 2022 Mar 8:2683555211053532. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35258350.