General phone number: 617.636.5000
To make an appointment for an adult: 617.636.5000
- Primary Care: 617.636.5400
- OB/GYN: 617.636.2229
- Orthopedics: 617.636.7846
To make an appointment for a child: 617.636.8100
Tufts Medical Center billing customer service: 617.591.5750
Admitting department: 617.636.6000
Chaplain: 617.636.2500
Financial coordination: 617.636.6013
Information desk: 617.636.6033
Interpreter services: 617.636.5547
- Intérprete de español: 617.636.5618
- Asian information and medical referral line: 617.636.5331
- Vietnamese interpreter services: 617.636.5765
- Entèprèt ki pale kreyòl: 617.636.5171
- Russian interpreter services: 617.636.1386
- Interprète de français: 617.636.5171
- Intérprete de português: 617.636.5618
Office of the Patient Experience: 617.636.9590
Parking office: 617.636.5580
Patient liaison: 617.636.9590
Pharmacy: 617.636.5385
Physician liaison: 617.636.3252
Pre-certification department: 617.636.7588
Pre-registration: 617.636.7866
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 7am to 7pm
Saturday 9am to Noon
Public safety/Security: 617.636.7700, for emergencies call: 617.636.5100
Quality and patient safety department: 617.636.0742
Room service: 617.636.2222
Social work services: 617.636.5136
Tufts Medical Center Trust: 617.636.7656
Volunteer Services: 617.636.1377