During fellowship, fellows present at major national and international meetings including
- ASM Microbe
- ID Week (the joint meeting of several ID-related societies including the Infectious Diseases Society of America)
- Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) annual meeting,
- the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).
- The American Society for Transplantation
Each fellow is sponsored by the program to attend at least one meeting during their fellowship. Our fellows have received multiple awards for their presentations.
- Our fellow are well-prepared for boards with a 2 year curriculum of didactic lectures.
- Former fellows are or have been medical school deans, chairs or vice-chairs of medicine departments, chiefs of infectious disease services, and leaders in our professional societies.
- Our fellows compete successfully for NIH loan repayment and for NIH-sponsored career awards (K series).
- Fellows take part in research projects that lead to a number of publications.